7 Things My Big Family has Taught Me about Working with People

The Fam-damn-ly

We are the Bayles’ (and Petersens and Laws, but that’s not important). Originally, we were a family of 8, with 6 kids and mom and dad. Now, that size has doubled, and only keeps growing. This leads to some interesting family events, that never lack in the excitement (or noise) department. But, dealing with all those people at once is an undertaking, an not nearly as easy as it might seem (even if they are family.) Here’s what the chaos that is our family has taught me.

Life Lessons

1. Food is not optional. If someone is hungry, someone else will likely be injured (mentally or physically, it’s not really important) very soon.

2. Even though not everyone has the same status/ experience/ power, everyone has the same ability to affect the mood of those around them. Mom is in a bad mood, everyone is in a bad mood. Tess is in a bad mood, everyone is edgy. Will is in a bad mood…no one notices cause he’s pouting in another room and we forgot about him…again.

3. Even in families, everyone is wholly and completely a different person than anyone else. This can lead to friction, but it can also lead to amazing insights and collaborations. Some of my best memories came from weird moments and ideas from my siblings. [insert memory here]

4. Sometimes the needs/wants of the group outweigh those of the individual. I cannot tell you HOW many times I’ve been forced into something because another sibling was the priority at the moment. *squints and will*

5. Even though everyone is insanely unique and individual, there are still common experiences that bring us together. Like, for example, we’ve all been forgotten my mom some place or another.

6. Getting advice isn’t a bad thing. It doesn’t make the receiver any less than the giver. It often comes from a place of love, where the giver truly just wants the success of the other, and they often have the experience or a different insight that can help.

7. Having differing opinions/ personalities isn’t a bad thing. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, this is great because if they’re used right, everyone benefits from each others strengths. If there used wrong, it’s just continuing the tradition of having at least one big fight when everyone’s together for Christmas, you know, in the spirit of the holiday.