Monument Valley High School | Fun Run

When we got this design, I thought that it was so cool. I printed the sheet on my printer to send to the production shop so that the shirts could be printed. We burned the screens but were having a problem in the shop with it printing well. Lyle took a look at it and said “Is this what they sent you?” And I am like yes. I printed exactly what they sent. He says “I don’t think this looks right.”  And so I say that I will go look again but that is what they sent. So, I set down at my computer, I realize that I should have downloaded the Navajo New Times Roman font. Can you see what kind of a mistake we almost made!!!!
Good thing that Lyle knows more than this white girl. I was just like, huh, I don’t know what that means and then moved on.
P.S. The one’s below this post are the correct ones. (Just in case there is someone else out there that is clueless.)
I really love the words on the back about Beauty. So beautiful. Take a moment and read through it.
Jason R. Workman Memorial Ride
Jason R. Workman Memorial Ride